

THE Zambia Police has instituted investigations in the alleged recruitment of 60, 000 militias by the United Party for National Development (UPND).

And Green Party President, Peter Sinkamba, observed that the allegations against the UPND of training militia must be investigated thoroughly, stressing that there was no smoke without fire.

According to Patriotic Front (PF) Media Director, Antonio Mwanza, the UPND is said to have recruited 60, 000 militias to cause mayhem ahead of the 2021 general elections next month.

Mr Mwanza said that youths were already training in Nega Nega and Chawama compound.

Zambia Police spokesperson, Esther Katongo, said that the police had launched investigations in the allegations which she described as serious.

Ms Katongo said the claim by Mr Mwanza was serious and that police would not allow lawlessness by individuals regardless of their political affiliations and social standing.

Ms Katongo said that no stones would be left unturned as the police would get to the bottom of the issue.

“I can confirm that we have launched investigations in the matter which was brought to light by the PF media director concerning the recruitment of 60, 000 young militias to cause chaos,” she said.

She called on political parties to stick to their pledge of peace after signing numerous accords as there was no need for bloodshed in the country.

Ms Katongo said she was hoping that the alleged plot was not true because the police were ready to foil the plot head on.

She called on party leaders to tame their cadres for the sake of peace which the country had enjoyed for a long time.

Mr Sinkamba, observed that the allegations against the UPND of training militia must be investigated thoroughly, stressing that there was no smoke without fire.

He argued that the police were not capable of handling such militia and as such the state must immediately deploy security and defence personnel such as the Zambia Army.

Mr Sinkamba stressed that the state must act now and not later as it could be too late to contain the threatening situation. 

He said that being proactive on such a matter was not an option because there was a high possibility of the alleged militia training.

Mr Sinkamba noted that with only about 18 days to go before the country goes to the polls, the state should come up with a strategy to demobilise and arrest any possible militia attack on the public.

He cited an example of some political cadres who destroyed property in Thorn Park area of Lusaka on Monday as a clear example of the kind of violence which the country could experience.


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