


STEVE Nyirenda should stop masquerading as National Restoration Party (NAREP) leader, Secretary General Ezra Ngulube has insisted. Last year, the NAREP national executive committee removed Mr Nyirenda as president after they accused him of promoting division in the party.

The party instead appointed Charles Maboshe to act as President while Mr Ezra Ngulube was appointed Secretary General. But despite Mr Maboshe and his group opposing his candidature in the August 12 general elections, the Constitutional Court allowed Mr Nyirenda to contest as candidate on the NAREP ticket. Mr Ngulube said Mr Nyirenda should stop masquerading as NAREP president because the concourt only ruled on him standing as a Presidential candidate and not him being president of the party.

Mr Ngulube said even if the concourt allowed him to contest on NAREP ticket, the party did not agree with the court judgement. “He is not NAREP president because his relationship with us ceased when he lost the just ended Presidential election,” Mr Ngulube insisted. He said the records at the registrar of society were still intact and Mr Nyirenda does not appear anywhere on the list of office bearers. Mr Ngulube also advised the media to stop referring Mr Nyirenda as NAREP president but just simply as losing presidential candidate, because doing so was also illegal.

He advised the agents that were engaged by Mr Nyirenda and not paid their allowances to follow it with him (Nyirenda) because the party has nothing to do with the matter. Efforts to get a comment from Mr Nyirenda proved futile by press time.


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