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ACC should probe Thabo Kawana  – PeP

… as Heartson Mabeta, Kankoyo MP says it is morally incorrect to ridicule, mock Zambians who supported us to be in government


Patriots for Economic Progress (PEP) president Sean Tembo says  the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) should take keen interest in Thabo Kawana’s splashing on a luxurious car because  Mr Kawana’s earnings could not afford to get that vehicle.

Mr Tembo said the Anti-Corruption Commission needed to look into the matter because the justification Mr Kawana was giving was not adding up.

“The ACC should look into this matter because it is clear that there is something not right because if you look at Mr Kawana’s earnings he cannot manage to buy the car looking at his salary as a director,” Mr Tembo said.

And Mr Heartson Mabeta says it is unacceptable for Mr Kawana, a senior civil servant in the UPND government to start mocking and ridiculing Zambians by opulently displaying expensive motor vehicles in a country where there is a lot of hunger and poverty”.

Mr Mabeta, the UPND Kankoyo Member of Parliament says Mr Kawana’s behaviour of showing off his fortune to the majority poor citizens should not be accepted and tolerated because it was causing a lot of anguish among Zambians, especially those who supported and voted for the ruling party.

Meanwhile, efforts to get a comment from Mr Kawana failed as his mobile phone went unanswered. A text message sent to him, asking him on whether he got a loan for his purchase was not responded by press time.

Mr Mabeta said in an interview that the conduct of Mr Kawana did not sit well with the UPND general members and that the governing party should never support such kind of mockery to Zambians who had given the ruling party the mandate to govern.

He said while those in government including Members of Parliament were enjoying privileges which came with the offices they were holding on behalf of Zambians, it was important for such public servants to avoid rubbing mockery in the face of Zambians through arrogant opulence.

Mr Mabeta said it was morally not correct for Mr Kawana to start rubbing mockery in the face of Zambians by attempting to tell them that things were alright when most were wallowing on poverty and hunger.

Mr Kawana has angered the UPND general membership by displaying a 2022 top-of-the-range P-Series GWM motor vehicle which he acquired as a gift for his wife, who are questioning the motive of his show-off in a country where hunger and poverty are on the increase.


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