LOCAL Government and Rural Development Minister Garry Nkombo has delegated his function of
approving Constituency Development Funs (CDF) applications to provincial Local Government Officers in
each province.
Mr Nkombo said in reference the Gazette Notice No 1683 of 2022 issued on December 2 2022
delegating powers to approve the CDF applications.
He said in view of this delegation a provincial local government officer in each province shall approve all
the community projects including the disaster components of community projects, applications for
youth, women and community empowerment and applications for secondary boarding school and skills
Meanwhile, Mr Nkombo in a letter to Town Clerks on (CDF) guidelines for local authorities said there
should be a provision of K1 million towards the purchase of police motor vehicles, provision for the
procurement of desks, provision of electricity, provision for sustainable solid waste management,
provision of ambulances, CDF hour radio show budget and construction of at least one chief’s Palace.