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THE contractor for the rehabilitation and reshaping of the Kariba Dam wall plunge pool in Siavonga has
made tremendous progress with the overall works now at 74 percent according to the latest information
by the Zambezi River Authority (ZRA).
ZRA stated that progress made so far on the Plunge Pool reshaping works is at 74 percent as the month
of December.
The Authority said following the completion of the cofferdam construction on 7th July 2022, and the
subsequent commencement of dewatering from level 385m to the current 352m above Sea Level (ASL,
33m out of the total 80m of water, translating to 546,000m3 volume of water has been pumped out.
ZRA also stated that the dewatering to level 352m above sea level was attained on December 4, 2022.
It disclosed that the Dam safety monitoring instruments have been automated to ensure real-time
monitoring of the dam behavior and rock mass below the dam.
Meanwhile, the water level at Kariba Dam has been decreasing steadily on account of low inflows from
the mainstream Zambezi River and its tributaries, closing at 2.68 percent usable storage December 7,
2022, compared to 23.10 percent recorded in 2021.
Kariba is designed to operate between levels 475.50m and 488.50m with 0.70m freeboard for
hydropower generation.
And Energy expert, Victor Hazemba has advised for the complete shutdown of the Kariba
Hydroelectricity Power Generation complex to preserve the integrity of the Dam and protect power
generation equipment.
He said the continued generation of power at Kariba North Bank Power Station despite dwindling water
levels has potential to compromise equipment at the country’s largest hydroelectricity generation
Recently, ZRA ordered Zimbabwe to suspend power generation at its Kariba South Bank Power Station,
after that country exhausted its annual water allocation.


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