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UPND is not special, says Frank Bwalya

UPND has no moral right to claim to be doing better than previous ruling parties because violence and caderism have continued under their watch

THE UPND has no moral right to claim to be better than previous ruling parties because they have done nothing to make them standout as special, Socialist Party (SP) spokesperson Frank Bwalya has said.

Mr Bwalya said the recent storming of a radio station in Chingola by UPND cadres is evidence that nothing had changed under the leadership of President Hakainde Hichilema and his administration

He said   caderism, violence and other vices that Zambians detested under PF had continued happening under the UPND administration.

Mr Bwalya was speaking when he featured on Millennium TV’s Pulse Nation Programme. “Maybe the correct term for them to use is a lesser evil because the UPND has not done well. When they were in the opposition, they were also guilty of crimes. In 2016 in Monze, I was badly attacked and beaten up by some members of the UPND and the same people are close to President Hichilema.  In short, UPND has no credentials worth noting,” he said. He urged the UPND to work harder to end caderism instead of making pronouncements that they had successfully ended the vice when in fact not.

Mr Bwalya also expressed disappointment that the issue of ending political violence was not receiving the necessary attention from the Head of State.

Mr Bwalya said it would take some time for the current crop of leaders in Government to stop violence because they were allegedly sponsoring it.

“At the moment it is not the opposition sponsoring violence, it falls on the ruling party because if money is not flowing in to ferry cadres from Lusaka into Luangwa, the violence would not be there, said Mr Bwalya


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