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Nkandu tips MPs

…‘apportion some CDF funds for sports infrastructure development’ 

…‘apportion some CDF funds for sports infrastructure development’ 


MINISTER of Sports Youth and Arts Elvis Nkandu has encouraged Members of Parliament to consider apportioning some of the Constituency Development Funds (CDF) towards sports infrastructure development in their constituencies.

Nkandu said Government does not have enough resources to construct sports infrastructure in all the constituencies that include Mandevu.

Nkandu was reacting to a question from Mandevu MP Christopher Shakafuswa who wanted to know if the government had plans to construct a modern stadium in his constituency during a question and answer session in parliament yesterday.

Shakafuswa noted that it’s not fair that residents of Ng’ombe who are part of Mandevu have to walk long distances to find a stadium.

However, Nkandu encouraged Mandevu residents to use the Heroes Stadium, the Independence Stadium and Olympic Youth Development Centre, while noting that Government had no plans to construct a stadium in Mandevu because it does not have the capacity.

“Government has no plan to construct a stadium in Mandevu constituency and in this regard, attention is brought to the member of Parliament on the already existing modern stadium which is opposite Mandevu. It is called the National Heroes Stadium and we also have the Independence Stadium and the OYDC which is opposite Mandevu,” Nkandu said.

“I want to appeal to members of Parliament when we will be debating the budget, that we need to apportion some funds, the way the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Home Affairs and Internal Security are doing using CDF, we can also do the same as a Ministry of Sports by encouraging members of Parliament to apportion some funds so that we put up sports infrastructure in our respective constituencies,” Nkandu said.

Nkandu said government does not look at sports as mere entertainment but a vehicle that can be used to end poverty and creating employment among the young people.

He confirmed that some Members of Parliament have approached him that they want to put up simple stadiums using CDF and the ministry has come up with a prototype which can be used by interested MPs for the construction of simple stadia.

“For those that want to put up such stadiums you are at liberty to visit our offices and we will give you the prototype to consider in 2024 to put up such facilities,” Nkandu said.


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