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DPP yet to grant consent to prosecute Mwamba over seditious practices


PATRIOTIC Front (PF) information and publicity chairperson, Emmanuel Mwamba yesterday failed to take plea in a case he is charged with seditious practices.

Mwamba could not take plea because consent from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) was not ready.

When the matter came up at the Lusaka Magistrate Court before Mr Chrispin Hampungani, Mwamba’s lawyer, Mr Makebi Zulu placed himself on record.

State prosecutor, Dennis Manda called out the matter and said it was coming up for plea.

But Mr. Zulu reminded him that it was not coming up for plea but needed consent from the DPP.

“The accused is before court and matter is coming up for plea,” Mr Manda said.

“I’m wondering why he is saying the matter is coming up for plea when he knows that the case needs consent from the DPP,” said Mr Zulu.

“Oh, yes in that case can it be mentioned as we wait for consent from the DPP,” Mr Manda responded.

Mwamba of Plot 136A Chandwe Musonda Road, Villa Elizabetha, is charged with one count of Seditious Practices Contrary to Section 57(1) (b) as read with Section 60 (1) (a) (b) (d) (I) of the Penal Code Act Chapter 87 of the laws of Zambia.CLICK HERE TO READ MORE


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