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THE Zambia Revenue Authority is strategically broadening the tax base with the inclusion of the informal sector who by law are required to pay taxes but could have not been captured for various reasons.

The process started with a deep introspection within the authority and this resulted in system changes to easy compliance and ensure that all systems are enhanced, simplified, and easy to access.
This resulted in the New tax online system being developed, applications such as Tax on phone, mobile networks payment platforms being introduced to facilitate taxpayer education, filing of returns, payments and general tax compliance requirements are fulfilled.
With the necessary systems now in place, all sectors of the business society are expected to pay their fair share of taxes. This is not only a legal obligation but a moral one too.
The authority is encouraging all businesses that are not yet registered for taxes to do so.
It is important to note that most of the businesses are already registered and have been paying their fair share of taxes for a long time. This is very commendable.
ZRA will be conducting free training to all individuals and organizations on how to register, file returns, and make payments for taxes at every ZRA office countrywide.
Training will be offered on-demand and need basis by our customer service centers countrywide.
Taxpayers in need of training services should simply walk in and demand to be trained and our highly skilled officers will be on hand to assist them.
Businesses should always step forward in growth and ensure they are tax compliant all the time.
The dream of every organization is success
The authority is geared to support the the business sector and propel them to growth. The approach by ZRA is that of a reliable business partner who will help you with all tax compliance related consultancy for free. Take advantage and ensure you are tax compliant.
Remember, My tax, your tax, Our Destiny.


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