Ex MP sued over unpaid legal fees
Thu, 11 Jan 2018 10:38:55 +0000
A LAW firm has sued former MMD Solwezi East Member of Parliament Richard Taima for allegedly failing to settle over K400, 000 owed to the firm during an election petition in which he was being challenged after his election as MP in 2011.
In a statement of claim filed in the Lusaka High Court, Central Chambers law firm claimed that around September 2011, Mr Taima instructed the firm to represent him in an election petition.
Central Chambers indicated that upon receiving the said instruction from Mr Mr Taima, who is also a businessman, the parties proceeded to agree on the fee scale to be applied and that he was represented until the matter was disposed of in the High Court and Supreme Court on Aril 14, 2014.
The firm claimed that Mr Taima was billed K450, 000 of which K70, 000. 00 was towards the High Court proceedings and K30, 000. 00 towards the Supreme Court appeal and costs of K350, 000. 00 for the High Court and Supreme Court for the work done on his behalf after several reminders on him to honour his obligation.
“After several reminders to Mr Taima to honour his obligation to no avail, we consequently rendered a bill on February 1, 2016 amounting to K450, 000. 00 that being K70, 000. 00 towards the High Court proceedings, K30, 000. 00 towards Supreme Court appeal and cost of K350, 00. 00 for High Court and Supreme Court respectively for the work done on his behalf,” the firm claimed.
Central Chambers indicated that Mr Taima responded in writing and by e-mail on March 3 2016 undertaking to liquidate his dues in instalments.
The firm claimed that Mr Taima had only paid K20, 000. 00 and still had an outstanding balance of K430, 000. 00.
Further that despite several reminders, Mr Taima had without justifiable reason and in breach of the agreement ignored or neglected to pay the amount owing to the firm thereby causing it to suffer loss and damage.
Central Chambers now seeks the court’s indulgence in the recovery of K430, 000. 00 with interest at current short term bank deposit rate from the date of this action to date of judgement and thereafter at current long term bank lending rate until final settlement.
The firm also wants costs and any other relief that the court may deem fit.