Real Jay, an ambassador of peace

Tue, 21 Mar 2017 10:40:35 +0000




NDHLOVU Muleya, popularity known on stage as Real Jay is Southern Province Prominent musician who has to date promised a very entertaining and educative music career which he expects will one day unify the nation.

Real Jay recently recorded a song ‘nocisi’ where he encourages people from Southern province to unity with the rest of the nation and vice versa.

He points out in the song that the eagle on the Zambian flat is still crying for freedom and unity in the country.

Real Jay, the man behind the popular Tonga song ‘Tucikuyeya’ which hit the airwaves across the country in 2015 is also a producer based in Macha, Southern province.

The self-pronounced ‘Munamusanza’ translated as proud southerner will not only record his songs at Macha radio station in Choma district of southern province but also at Lusaka’s popular recording labels known as SSV STUDIOS.

According to Real Jay, he has chosen ‘Influence’ which is the title for one of his albums because he feels youths have the influence to stir their country to development and not to violence.

“As youths we have the influence to change our country, let’s not use our influence to bring about violence but peace and harmony that is why I have named my album with the mighty title Influence that will be released on July 31, 2014. Let me use my influence to help the less privileged,” reads his Facebook post.

In ‘Wakalya’, this proved to be the song of the year as Real Jay explained how some ladies use men as a stepping stone to their future flamboyant lifestyles.

He starts the song by singing how a woman leaves the man whilst the man is still in love with her of which the man had plans of improving.

He also sings how ladies suffer after abandoning their husbands whom they struggled together to earn a living.

Real Jay is a music power house. A one man army who can produce, rap, dance and sing in more than 4 languages.

Working from Radio Macha, where he is also a DJ, his Jay Life Entertainment studio has been producing hit singles that have gotten him shows all over Southern Province.



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