Simukoko urges youths to work in cooperatives

Wed, 15 Mar 2017 12:40:57 +0000




GOVERNMENT is encouraging young people to work in cooperatives because challenges of working in the informal sector are huge, says labour minister, Joyce Nonde Simukoko.

Ms Simukoko however said that government would approach commercial banks so that they tailored some of their products to suit the informal sector

Speaking during the graduation ceremony at National Project for Poverty Reduction in Lusaka yesterday, Ms Simukoko she said that it was high time that young people worked in cooperatives because it was difficult to succeed as an individual especially when one was in informal employment.

She said that it was important that people in the informal sector participated in some of the things that people in the formal sector were doing.

She said that her ministry will soon announce the procession of forming cooperatives, that will enable young people indicate various skills they have so as to devise how they could be helped.

“We will soon be announcing how we proceed in forming cooperatives because they do help in the development of skills for one to survive,” she said. Ms Simukoko indicated that it was very difficult to work as an individual because they are limited to services like borrowing money from banks when one is in a group, it will be easier to sharpen one’s skills and market themselves.

She advised graduates to add value in their respective fields by using the skills they have acquired and work to be innovative.

And Public and Private Drivers Association of Zambia president Josiah Majuru said that the PF government was committed to creating an enabling environment for people with projects proposals as well as those who were eager to see development and the platform was clear.

Mr Majuru said that Projects under the Youth empowerment programme through the ministry of Youths and


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