Mon, 21 Aug 2017 14:33:37 +0000

Mr. President, your pocket agenda has gotten off your pocket.

WHEN you promised American voters to make America great again, many American, and those of us watching from outside thought you wanted to implement policies of economic nationalism.

We were not surprised when you got colleagues from the industry to be part of your advisory group. Now we have realized that it was not all about American Economic Nationalism, but White American Racial Supremacy.

Your hidden agenda of a great America is the America for the white Americans and those who believe in white supremacy.

In some of my past letters to you, I stated that your society is racially divided, therefore one of the key issues you have to tackle is the harmonization of the social and economic inequalities, through expansion of economic opportunities especially to the African Americans and other minorities settled in the USA.

Your last 3 Press Conferences over the racial violence in Charlottesville have shown all the Americans who you really are on the racial divide.

It is a pity that you Mr. President, has to take your great country and its people two or more centuries behind. However, your intentions, no matter how economically powerful they may be, they will cause havoc and mayhem to the people, but universal moral justice will defeat you, and those who believe in racial supremacy.

Racism is evil, it epitomizes greed using the feature differences among human being and was used for colonial conquest and plunder of global resources as European imperial expansion grew. It was also backed by an era of racial sciences, which marked conquering races as superior, and the conquered as inferior.

Modern science has proven one human species beyond dispute. So to those of you who are still “drunk” with racial supremacy, too bad, you are wallowing in the shallow waters the world of human beings whoever they are, whatever color they are, whatever features they have is the new world for all.

Mr. President, just for a moment stop and think if all other people started doing to white Americans, what those Ku KLAN, do to others would you guarantee the safety of white Americans in America itself; NO! Would you guarantee the safety of white Americans across the globe; NO! The whole would go on racial fire.

Mr. President, since you have done three conferences over the issue, you may want to do the fourth one. Condemn racial violence, condemn the racists in particular the KKK, and even call for its abolition because its ideology is a danger to the human race.

Those of us who want to live in a peaceful world will not respond with evil intentions. We will respond with love and care for the white or black Americans, whoever they are.

In your fourth press conference you many want to also put the official ideology of the USA as a non-racist society. It may have been racially divided, but we should be putting that behind us. Your personal beliefs.

The people who voted for you, did not vote for racism. That was the pocket agenda that has come out so blatantly for the whole would to see. You may wish to apologize for having mixed your pocket agenda and the democratic governance system of the United States.

In the book of Ecclesiastes 12:13-14, it says “fear God keep his commandments for this what man should do for God will bring every work into judgment including every secret thing whether good or evil”.

Donald Chanda
Lecturer- UNZA (Rtd)
Email; chakolongana@gmail.com


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