Music’s healing effects

WITHOUT delving deep into the nitty gritty of stress and only touching its peripheral meaning, one can safely pronounce that music can heal the soul and rid it of undesired stress.
The easiest method is to associate an emotion with a song. Whenever stress knocks, force the happy emotion by repeatedly listening to the associated song.
Music offers a source of comfort and tranquility, facilitating the processing and expression of emotions, while also enhancing overall well-being.
Although there is no concrete scientific evidence supporting direct physical healing through music, it undeniably contributes to the support and promotion of the healing process.
Studies have shown that music therapy can be beneficial for a variety of conditions, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, and chronic pain. Children with autism and physically disabled people have also benefitted from music therapy.
Music therapy is a highly effective treatment method for trauma. It not only enhances communication and socialisation skills but also helps reconnect with life.
Furthermore, it has been proven to improve psychological, physical, cognitive, and social functions. Music therapy is also effective in treating a wide range of conditions, in addition to its benefits for trauma.
Numerous studies have proved that music can change emotional states, physiology, and perceptions and heighten spiritual awareness.
Indian classical music, such as Carnatic and Hindustani music, is known to transform individual and collective consciousness into heightened states of love, compassion, forgiveness, and physical healing.
In Ancient Greece, music was believed to have a mathematical relationship with the Cosmos. The ancient Greek philosophers thought that music could serve a therapeutic purpose.
Patients in manic states were often instructed to listen to the calming music of the flute, while those suffering from depression were prescribed to listen to dulcimer music.
Healing shrines in Ancient Greece housed hymn specialists as well as physicians.
Some cultures, such as the Native American tradition, held the belief that music possessed mystical abilities. For centuries, music has been incorporated into healing rituals, typically through the use of singing, chanting, and percussive instruments.
Remarkably, these ancient musical healing practices have endured throughout Native American communities to this day.
Many preliterate societies had a highly regarded figure known as a “Shaman,” or medicine man.
The Shaman was believed to have the ability to combine magic and music to heal the injured, cure the sick, and ward off evil. Rituals involved singing songs and using percussive instruments like drums.
In conclusion, music is often considered a holistic approach to healing. A familiar song has the power to awaken long-lost memories, transporting you back to a place and time of nostalgia.
Simple melodies have the ability to evoke a range of emotions, from joy and laughter to pain and sorrow.