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Texila  Students Conduct Free Hypertension Screening for the Lilayi Community

In a heartening display of compassion and community service, students from Texila American University Zambia  conducted a Free Hypertension Screening for the residents of Lilayi. The event, held at UCZ Gideon Congregation near Lilayi Market, witnessed an overwhelming response from the local community.

Under the guidance of medical doctors from the School of Medicine and with the support of the Hypertension Society of Zambia, the dedicated students organized a well-coordinated health camp. The Hypertension Society of Zambia generously provided additional manpower and some screening equipment, amplifying the impact of the event.

With warm smiles and open hearts, they set up their screening stations, ready to offer their services to the Lilayi residents. The Lilayi community, informed about the screening through local announcements and flyers, turned up in large numbers, illustrating their eagerness to prioritize their health. 

The event became a testament to the power of education and community collaboration, as it united students, healthcare professionals, and the local residents for a common cause.

Throughout the day, the students diligently measured blood pressure levels, counseled individuals on hypertension management, and provided valuable insights on leading a healthy lifestyle. 

In the midst of the bustling health camp, two students, Aquila Chilanga and Gaudencia Nghiitwikwa, shared their heartfelt reflections on the transformative experience.

Mr Chilanga said, “Being part of this hypertension screening event has been an eye-opening journey for me. As a student pursuing medicine, it’s one thing to learn about healthcare in classrooms, but it’s an entirely different experience to engage with real people and contribute to their well-being.”

Ms Nghiitwikwa added, “I feel incredibly humbled to be part of such a compassionate and dedicated team of students and professionals. This event has shown me that our education isn’t just about securing good grades; it’s about leveraging our knowledge and skills to uplift those around us.”

The success of the Free Hypertension Screening event serves as a beacon of hope, illuminating the potential when knowledge and compassion come together. 



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