Biz & CorporateBusiness

KCM holds meeting with its creditors


KONKOLA Copper Mines (KCM) through the Provisional Liquidator yesterday held a meeting with its creditors in Lusaka to consider a scheme of arrangement for settling of the debt owed to them.

This follows an exparte order granted to KCM by the Lusaka High Court to convene a meeting of creditors to consider a scheme of arrangement.

Provisional Liquidator Celine Nair during the meeting said, yesterday’s meeting is class one scheme of creditors meetings and that class two creditors meeting would take place on May 30, 2024.

Ms. Nair said the scheme creditors have been grouped in class one and two in order of the claims.

She said the primary purpose of the meeting is to seek the creditors’ approval of the scheme of arrangement  which has an approval threshold of 75 percent or at CLICK HERE TO READ MORE


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