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Limulunga Forestry department in urges resident to preserve trees

ZANIS-The Forestry Department in Limulunga District has urged people to be stewards of nature in order to preserve trees that are fast depleting.

Speaking during a community sensitization meeting, Limulunga Forestry Senior Extension Officer, Jennifer Mate said it is worrying that some forests are losing their cover due to indiscriminate cutting down of trees in the area.

The Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) and the Mbunda Royal Establishment in Nang’oko area brought together the department of forest and the community for a way forward.

A resident of Limulunga, Daniel Kakama, said he is wondering why the Government discontinued the system of employing forest guards, noting that they were instrumental to preserving forests.

“I cannot believe that I lived to witness March and April without rain, it was so dry and hot like we were in October, what happened?” Mr Kakama said.

He said the need to preserve trees is paramount because trees are important as a source of oxygen, they provide shed, food, medicinal herbs and other factors.

However, another resident, Grace Mubiana disclosed that Nang’oko area has eight cooperatives and clubs, and that only one cooperative has since benefited making it difficult for people to stop deforestation for charcoal burning.

“We are wondering why most of the time it is only people from towns or district centres who are benefiting, we are left behind, so even if you say we should stop charcoal burning, where will we fend for our children,” Ms Mibiana said.

Chief Lukama of Ushaa area called on people to desist from cutting down trees, stating that such behaviour can make a fertile land become a desert and propel climate change.

“Already, we have fish species which have gone into extinction because of bad preservation habits, when the Government discourages us from cutting down trees it is for our good,” he said.

And BRE Nang’oko Royal Village Induna, Kabalana has urged the community to be stewards of nature and report people who are still cutting down trees.



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