Biz & CorporateBusiness

Now, ZDA begs Viet-Zam to refund K260, 000

By Nation Reporter

IN WHAT is a seemingly continued turn and twist of events surrounding the controversial US$72 billion investment and six million hectors land saga, the Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) has now officially written to the Vietnamese investor Van Trong Tuy, demanding a refund of K260,000 spend on a consultative meeting.

The monies were spent on holding status and consultative conferences for the Viet-Zambia Project.

In a letter dated 13th June 2024, written to Viet-Zambia signed by ZDA Director General, Albert Halwampa, the agency demanding a refund of the money spent on the meetings in paying Daily Subsistence Allowances (DSA) and fuel refunds paid to Chiefs, Ministers, drivers and CLICK HERE TO READMORE


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