- Mr Musenge who last week rejoined the ruling party said it was time for all members to reconcile with PF because insolence does not pay in politics.
CHISHIMBA Kambwili and Harry Kalaba should swallow their pride and rejoin the ruling Patriotic Front like I have done because there is no political future out there, former National Democratic Congress (NDC) secretary general, Mwenya Musenge has said.
Mr Musenge said the NDC leader, Chishimba Kambwili, Democratic Party president Harry Kalaba and all other members who left PF and formed their political parties out of frustrations must take advantage of President Lungu’s forgiving heart to rejoin the ruling party and contribute to national development.
Mr Musenge who last week rejoined the ruling party said it was time for all members to reconcile with PF because insolence does not pay in politics.
“My appeal is to all those that at one time were members of PF to come back because President Lungu and all PF members are ready to receive former members. Let’s come back. Let’s remove this spirit of selfishness and see how we can collectively build this party and make sure that come August 12, President Lungu wins with a huge margin.
“I want to passionately appeal to ba Kalaba who is an intelligent man to rethink and return to PF. I also want to appeal to ba Kambwili wherever he may be to also come back home. I know that there has been a lot of political parties that have been formed out of frustrations, but my appeal is that let all of term come back to PF,” Mr Musenge said.
He added, “They should realise that PF is home and in any home, there are differences but what is important is to be bold enough to humble ourselves, accept criticism and seek forgiveness in whatever mistake we made. But if we have no courage to kneel before our colleagues and say I am sorry, that creates a problem. We labored for PF and it is high time we all came together to iron out our differences and work together.”
Mr Musenge who prior to rejoining PF last week was Agenda for Human Development secretary general said he was happy that he was well received.
“I would like to thank President Edgar Lungu and all members of PF for welcoming me and for having extended an olive branch to all those that have left the party in whichever way that they are free to come back. The love I have been shown is encouraging,” he said. He also urged the PF members to show love to those that are willing to rejoin the ruling party by avoiding using hateful speech against them.