Thu, 18 Jan 2018 11:26:03 +0000
ABOUT 109, 000 civil servants got their e- pay slips in the phase one of the Smart Zambia project over the December month end, Office of the President Government Division Permanent Secretary Martin Mtonga has announced.
Dr. Mtonga said the only challenge being faced in the implementation of the e pay slip project with workers from the Ministry of Agriculture, Health and Education was the internet connectivity.
Speaking in an interview with the Daily Nation, Dr. Mtonga said he is optimistic that the remaining 60,000 Government workers will also migrate to e pay slips before the end of the year.
He however said the government has effective January stopped the issuance of hard copy pay slips to its employees and that those that were not on the e pay slip platform would only get theirs once they were added to the system.
“Since Government went electronic on the pay slips, we have so far added 109, 000 government workers on the e payslip database out of the 169, 000 national total for government workers,” Dr. Mtonga said.
He also said the challenge is that “we also have colleagues in the Ministry of Health, Education and Agriculture who are in rural areas without any connectivity to enable them send their email address to the national saver.”
Dr. Mtonga explained that in the Smart Zambia phase two they would be rolling out computerisation in all the districts and that during this phase, the ministries of Education, Agriculture and Health will be the first to get into the e payslip system.