Mon, 22 Jan 2018 09:52:36 +0000

what do you make of the former FDD Spokesperson Antonio Mwanza defecting to the ruling Patriotic Front?

Davies X Mwelwa Kapungwe:  That is the beauty of democracy and he has the constitutional right to join any political party in Zambia. He has made a progressive move by joining PF. The party to unseat PF is not yet born so why remain in the opposition?

Youth Chairman for David Lunda Ward, Mufulira Constituency.

 Kelflow Didrass: Antonio mwanza has the right to be in any political party he wants…so is HH…but the fact is that today’s politics is about where you can earn a good living from. Anyway in life what you do will either have a positive impact or negative effects. But the way I personally know him. Hope he will be a good example of people who just defect in and out.

  Cliff Chizuza: Coutinho left for Barcelona because he wanted to win trophies with one of the best teams unlike LFC…same motive with Antonio Mourinho. LFC fans cried over Coutinhos move but alas Barcelona fans rejoiced.

 Wilfred Malama: Great move political parties are like football clubs, today Fwayo TEMBO is at power following day at Nkana, he can still go back to power

 Oscar Malipenga:  I think that Antonio Mourinho Mwanza exercised his democratic right, freedom of assembly and association and as such his decision to join the BOAT should be respected by anyone learned. Those who have not been to school are those casting aspersions on him for joining the ruling party, I personally asked him why he was ditching FDD, he told me growth was cardinal in one’s life, probably he was not seeing growth in FDD. Lastly, I have no doubt that if given the adoption certificate in 2021 as Munali MP, the man will be a Parliamentarian better still strategically give him a constituency in Eastern Province and allow him to start campaigning now. We need youthful leadership in politics, Parliament.

 Reagan Hamasaka: Antonio has excersised his right of freedom of association. He knows what is affecting him and his family. When it’s month end no is there to help him meet monthly bills hence the right move. Hunger pains ka!!

 Casius Mbalazi:  He is free to join PF, but am still sceptical, he met a desperate opposition leader a few days ago and we are not sure what they discussed. Let’s keep him away from the President until we prove that he is authentic.

 Jala Luke Mujala:  Antonio calculated this move very well. He knows he will be adopted to stand as MP in 2021 in Lusaka under PF. Even if PF will lose the national elections, Antonio will win his Mandevu seat and work with UPND as a party in power then. See, he is a political genius. He is guaranteed of a stable income from now till 2026. Congrats Antonio. All the best all the way man.

 Steve Mule: After all those checks and balances Antonio gave over governance issues in the PF government, how will he convince us that with him joining PF there will be improvement in its deliverance. Awe he could have done better. Anyway, that is his democratic right which I still appreciate. However, the VOICE has gone.



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