Plunder application in court
Mon, 14 Jan 2013 14:29:58 +0000
The Lusaka High court will today hear an application by Nchito and Nchito who are asking for the removal of incriminating evidence supporting allegations that billions of kwacha were stolen from the Task Force on corruption Accounts.
They are applying under the law that information between a lawyer and a client is privileged and that therefore Bank of Zambia Memorandum disclosing the abuse of accounts was privileged and should not be taken account of.
In the memorandum internal bank of Zambia lawyers were requesting that an employee Marshall Mwansopelo who was in charge of liquidation of
Access Finance and Leasing should not be disciplined because this would result in the exposure of the abuse of the funds reposed in the bank, a situation that would leave the bank vulnerable.
MNB a company owned by Mutembo Nchito, Director of Public Prosecutions DPP and his brother Nchima Nchito represented the Bank of Zambia as External lawyers, while Mutembo Nchito was lead prosecutor in the Task Force Against Corruption, and Marshall Mwansopelo was directly under the supervision of Mutembo Nchito.
It is not clear if AFSL will defend the matter as the application was submitted and processed through the registry in record time last week.
It is also not known if the lawyers had sufficient time to respond