The Season of a Mario

Sun, 24 Sep 2017 09:33:23 +0000

By Batuke Aaron Mwanza

“WHAT, too busy for a beautiful woman like you? I don’t believe it.”  “Even if he is a doctor, if he really loves and cares about you, he will always find time for you,” Landforce Mhango told Julia Nsengele. “You know doctors get a lot of assignments and I only get to see him only once in a week, sometimes more than a week” she told him.

 “I understand you Julia,” Said Mhango. “As a businessman who travels a lot and farmer at the same time, it’s hard but work and needs never end.” “You have to find precious time to someone you love.” “Your loved ones come first”.

“I also have money making deals to do but I just decided to sacrifice it just for you”.

“Nothing makes me feel good more than being with you, not even making money; money can’t buy me love” Mhango said to her lovingly. Landforce Mhango was a charming, smart and sweet talker who was well experienced and specialized at getting women, women with money or good jobs. In fact that’s the very reason he earned the name, “Mario” from his colleagues and people who knew him well. A Mario is a guy or man who earns a living by using or going out with women with money or good Jobs.  Mario’s have little or no money at all but are sweet talkers and charmers who target lonely or desperate women with good jobs and money and get moneys from them. Mario’s are cunning men who know how to ‘see through’ desperate women with good jobs and money but lack real attention, mainly because of their busy works and have little time to find  good partners or in other cases men seldom go for them because they fear being controlled by carrier women with money and make them do as they are pleased.

Ordinarily, men love to dominate and be the ones in control of everything in the relationships or house as husbands but they are mostly uncomfortable when coming across a woman with a better job than them or a woman who makes more money than them as it may affect their ego and may make the woman less submissive to them.

Mario’s do not mind about that however as they are always willing to do anything for a woman. They will cook, sweep, mop the floor, wash her cloths (including under wares) just to win her heart and trust. And they do get their rewards for being ‘submissive’ husbands. Rewards include… not getting up early to look for money so as to provide for her as required for men, no paying for any rentals, rates, fees, the list is endless. As a Mario you just have to be romantic and perform your bedroom duties well. Doing house hold chores is an added advantage and your rich wife or girlfriend will pay you handsomely for it. She can also buy you a car. The late legendary Congolese musician and King of Rhumba music, Luambo Makiadi, popularly known as Franco in his hit song ‘Mario’ talks about a man (Mario) who depended on a woman for his living. The man was living with an older wealthy woman who supported him financially for everything including paying for his tertiary education but the guy still does not want to look for a job. In most cases Mario target older women (at times old enough to be their mothers) who are desperate for younger men’s love and are willing to spend their money on them. In plain and simple English, a Mario is a lazy man who can only survive on a woman’s wealth or money. There are two types of Mario’s however the loyal and the Gold digger Mario. The loyal Mario is usually more submissive and willing to settle with one woman who will provide for him and stick to her like a tick. The Gold digger Mario however is a woman’s opportunists. He will use any woman with money and does not easily settle for one. For example, unlike a loyal Mario who is content with one woman who can provide for him, a Gold digger Mario will use her very money to entice another woman with money and will always give the impression that he is using his hard earned money. Gold digger Mario’s will ask for money from their rich wives or girlfriends then spend it on other women.

They will use cars bought for them by their women to ‘Shine’ or play with other women, they will ‘drain’ their  rich women off their wealthy if possible and look for another woman with money or simply ‘drift’ or dump them for a richer woman. Mhango was a gold digger Mario. He had been going out with Julia Nsengele for almost 4 months. Nsengele however was not really a lonely rich woman; she was in fact in a relationship with a medical doctor, a Dr. Mbafuti. So why go out with a ‘Mario’ when you are in a relationship with a doctor? Well it was really about Nsengele getting inpatient with her Doctor man. The Doctor was pilled with a lot of issues and pressures. At 32, Nsengele a business woman who owned a restaurant in Ndola was becoming desperate for marriage and her 36 year old Doctor lover, Dr. Mbamfuti of  Ndola Central Hospital seemed to be taking long. Dr. Mbamfuti had engaged Nsengele 3 years ago but after his father died a few months after their engagement, he had to help his jobless mother to pay for school fees of his two siblings.

“You know I would have married you some two years ago, but I had to pay school fees for my younger brother and sister.” “But since my sister is completing school this year, I will have less pressure and we will get married next year, I promise you’ Dr. Mbamfuti promised Nsengele. But while Nsegele was impatient, Mhango saw an opened door in their relationship. Mhango a cunning and ‘smart’ Mario told Nsengele that he was a business man living in Durban, South Africa, he was in Ndola for business and visiting some relatives. He took advantage of Nsengele’s situation and started going out with her, telling her apart from business he wanted a fellow Zambian woman to take to Durban as his wife. Although he was 4 years younger than Nsengele, he didn’t mind as age was nothing but a number according to him. Mhango was a sweet talking, romantic man and took Nsengele to different places of entertainment, including cinemas, fancy restaurants and parks. Within 4 months, he proposed marriage to Nsengele. “Am ready to marry you, Julia’ he told her. “I don’t need many years to wait when my heart is already convinced that you are the woman am going to spend the rest of my life with if that doctor was really serious about marrying you, you would already be his wife by now” “He is working, he is a doctor, don’t be fooled by his stories of paying for his siblings before you know it, it will be 5, 6 or seven years in a relationship and many guys I know who delay or take time in their relationships end up marrying other women” Mhango told Nsengele. “What I know is that when a man is really in love and serious to marry, nothing can stop him, unless he is having second thoughts.” “Haven’t you heard of for better for worse? “Even with problems he would have married you.” “I have already seen within four months we have known each other that not only are you beautiful, you are a kind and hardworking, matured woman every serious man would need.” “That’s why when we marry and go to South Africa, I will see to it that you open a bigger restaurant in Durban.” “There is better business and more money in Durban than here in Ndola.” Nsengele was flattered by Mhango’s words and they seemed to make sense to her. “Surely Dr. Mbamfuti would have married me by now” she thought to herself.

End of Part I


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