Today's letters to the editor
Fri, 19 Jan 2018 10:20:21 +0000
Meteorological department give us forecast
Dear Editor
I write to salute Grevazio Zulu, the moderator of Sunday Interview on ZNBC TV. The programme is so educate as it brings out various issues affecting society today. However, most of his guests are politicians, usually from the ruling PF.
Am left wondering if the presenter can not go an extra mile and feature other personalities. Currently, most farmers are in limbo, not knowing what to do. We are in mid January and there are no rains. The crops are withering and there is no data from Meteorological Department, let alone the Ministry of Agriculture. It is for this reason that I implore Mr. Zulu to bring to task officers from Meteorological as well as Ministry of Agriculture to tell us what is happening so that we prepare adequately. People should not just sit in the air conditioned offices and yet fail to provide the much needed data following the looming drought. We are told that we shall have normal to above normal rainfall, but are we anywhere near normal rainfall? Knowledge is power, lets have it!!!! Wake up Meteorological Department, you are paid for delivering information, and not drinking tea in your offices
Building society loan scheme
Dear editor,
Please help fight wrong doings at Zambia National Building Society Chingola Branch.
There is something wrong going on in ZNBS Chingola branch concerning loans. The people involved go round the plant to look for desperate miners looking for loans and when found, they are given forms to sign right there in the plant and the loan forms are taken to for confirmation.
Loans are then processed quickly and payment made. The catch is that someone there gets a cut of K900.
The right procedure takes not less than two weeks for one to get a loan but because of this malpractice it is now even taking longer than usual since there is now a cartel giving priority to their clients.
This is very unfair because genuine clients are being made to wait while those that are giving something are getting loans within hours. The branch manager should also be serous. How can she be approving loans that were submitted on the same date when there other forms in the basket waiting for approval. Please we need relevant authorities to stop this practice.
Regards Smith
Freedom of expression abused
Government should be commended for promoting free speech in the real sense. No Zambian can today claim that their freedom of expression is curtailed.
Every Jim and Jack can now say whatever they like and get away with it.
It is even getting to the extent of people demeaning the name of the President all in the name of freedom of expression. Some politicians even hold press briefings just to insult the President and attack other people.
No one is taking responsibility to ensure that the information they are feeding the public is accurate. All they care about is to paint the leadership as black as possible.
Government on its part as largely let matters be. This is a reflection of true democracy. In a true democracy, people should be able to criticise government and its ministers without fear of reprisals.Our democracy is flourishing and it is a good.
Joyce, Lusaka
Dear Editor,
Somebody please tell Chishimba Kambwili that he is nobody’s champion. He is not street vendors’ champion. He is just a simple gossip with a simple mind. His analysis on issue is based on one thing and thing only, gossip and half truths.
It would be an insult to say he behaves like some women who cant wait to get full details and they are off telling lies to the whole neighborhood. Muleke ubufi bamudala. We are tired of your daily briefing of lies. Please find something else to do. Why not expend your energies to develop your constituencies.
Your constituency needs water. The residents need proper roads and health facilities. It is sad when the area MP is preoccupied with fighting people who are busy doing their own things.
Sir, while you are busy talking, your friends are working to help their people. They know the real issues that people want sorted out. Twanaka no bufi bwenu boss. Time to work and stop talking.
Mutale, Luanshya