Who allowed Senegalese security guards into Zambia?
Mon, 01 Jan 2018 10:40:21 +0000
Dear Editor
Through your paper I want to find out what is being done about the reported armed Senegalese nationals employed at a precious mining firm in Lufwanyama as security guards.
I know that we do not have a police service to write home about but someone has to explain how these Senegalese guards found their way into Zambia.
Does it mean that at the entry points we do not have smart immigration officers who should have detected the illicit importation Senegalese security guards until villagers found out?
If this is the level of our security services, then heaven forbid, Zambia is in for hard times.
And what is even more shocking and annoying is that despite exposing these foreign nationals, nobody seems to care at all, it is business as usual.
Of course if Zambia had a police service worth its name, I am more than sure that this epic would been history by now.
I may be wrong, but I can’t help the feeling of corruption being at play in this saga because how else do you explain the illegal presence of these armed foreign security guards on the Zambian soil without any valid explanation?
It is so frustrating and annoying that at a time when Zambia is fighting hard to reduce on the level of unemployment, some people find it fit to import security guards from Senegal. Security guards!
I would not be surprised if there many more firms out there who have brought in security guards from their countries of origin because we seem not to have mechanisms of checking who is coming into our country.
For once can the concerned authorities please move in and establish the truth?
Concerned citizen