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A truce for Banda’s sake

THE disappearance of Mr Emmanuel Jay Jay Banda at the weekend has captured the nation’s attention, with everyone hoping for the best.

Now is the time for all leaders, across the political divide, to put aside their differences and work and pray for the safe return of Mr Banda.

Mr Banda was not just a political firebrand but was also a family man.  Now is the time to provide moral support to his family for they are going through trying times.

It is heartening that Government has expressed its commitment to ensure that Mr Banda is found and in good health.

Home Affairs and Internal Security Minister Jack Mwiimbu yesterday told a media briefing that the government was equally concerned over Mr Banda’s disappearance.

“We put Jay Jay (the abducted and now missing Petauke Central Member of Parliament) in our prayers and we hope he is found safe wherever he is,” Mr Mwiimbu stated. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE


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