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HH should lead search for JJ – Mwamba

…says there is a deliberate campaign by the UPND to play down the disappearance of Mr Banda and complains that some rogue media allegedly linked to State house have taken to defaming the missing Petauke law maker

…says there is a deliberate campaign by the UPND to play down the disappearance of Mr Banda and complains that some rogue media allegedly linked to State house have taken to defaming the missing Petauke law maker


PRESIDENT Hakainde Hichilema must personally lead the efforts to search and bring back home alive Emmanuel Jay Banda, who was abducted in the early hours of Saturday and has been missing for more than 48 hours, the Patriotic Front (PF) has said.

And the PF has made an ecclesiastical plea to the Church and the general public to join the former ruling party in the search of Mr Banda, the Petauke Independent Member of Parliament who was abducted on Saturday.

Emmanuel Mwamba, the PF information and publicity chairperson says there was a clear and deliberate campaign to play down the importance of the disappearance of Mr Banda which the former ruling party could have been as a result of a heinous crime committed against the Petauke law maker.

“Our call is that President Hichilema must lead in this matter and help with the immediate and safe return of Mr Banda. President Hichilema must direct all police and security agencies to join forces in investigating and seeking to establish the whereabouts of Mr Banda. The focus of everyone should be on the safe return of Mr Banda and partisan politics must be cast away during this period of deep concerns,” Mr Mwamba said. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE


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