Biz & CorporateBusiness

Zambia in US$207.6M for social protection World Bank boost


THE World Bank Group (WBG) has given Zambia US$ 207.6 million for Social Protection Projects with about 1.6 million households expected to benefit from the grant.

Dr Situmbeko Musokotwane, the Minister of Finance and National Planning, announced that the expansion of the Social Cash Transfer Program would entail the temporal increase in the number of beneficiary households and an increase in the cash transfer value to K400 from K200 per month.

He said the funds would complement the country’s drought response plan by scaling-up the Social Cash Transfer Programme to help meet the shortfalls and ensure regular cash transfers.

Dr. Musokotwane said the World Bank’s approval of the second additional financing would fortify existing social protection programmes and mitigate against the adverse effects of the severe drought that Zambia was experiencing, amidst constrained domestic resources CLICK HERE TO READ MORE


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