Study PF manifesto, UPND councillors urged
Wed, 26 Oct 2016 09:30:04 +0000
CIVIC leaders in Mushindamo district have been urged to study and understand the Patriotic Front (PF) manifesto if they are to operate and deliver development to the people.
The call was made by district commissioner Benson Ngambo when he officiated at this year’s Independence Day celebrations held at Mushindamo Girls Technical High school.
Mr Ngambo said despite political affiliations there was need for civic leaders in the district to acquaint themselves with the PF manifesto if development was to be realised in the area. He said that the PF was the party in power hence the need for civic leaders to understand its manifesto. “People want development and that can only be achieved when civic leaders understand how the party in power is operating.
That is why I am urging all civic leaders in the district to study this important document,” he said. He said that Government was in a hurry to deliver development to the people and that it would not entertain people derailing its development agenda.
“I am aware that Mushindamo district council is 100 percent opposition. But that will not deter this Government from taking the much need development to its people,” he said.
He also said time for politics was over and that people should now concentrate on development. And Mr Ngambo emphasized on the need for councillors in the area to put to good use the ward development fund for the people to benefit.
He said funds were not meant for civic leaders to enrich themselves but for the people. He said there was a tendency by most civic leaders to misappropriate funds meant for development.
“This syndrome should come to an end because as Government we will not condone such vices because at the end of the day people will start blaming the Government even if it had no hand in it,” he said.