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Church mothers bodies, LAZ, CSOs called out


IT is hypocritical for the Church to wine and dine with the Executive in the face of numerous injustices including indefinetly incacerating political prisoners, the breakdown of the rule of law and attempts to convert the country into the dreaded one party State being perpetrated by the UPND government, Brebnar Changala has said.

Mr Changala has therefore called on the country’s three Church mother bodies, the Law Association of Zambia (LAZ), the civil society organisations and all opinion leaders to rise and begin to condemn and speak against the rising social and political injustices being perpetrated by the UPND government.

He says he is deeply worried that the country’s justice system had become so unjust to the extent that citizens are losing confidence and hope in the judicial system which he has accused of having been compromised by the executive.

Meanwhile, Mr Changala said the UPND government should be called to order because the doctrine of the Separation of Powers has completely been destroyed as the Judiciary and the Legislature had been hijacked by the Executive. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE.


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