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Masebo says ‘dirty’ immigrants bringing cholera in Zambia

By Nation Reporter 

SYLVIA Masebo the Minister of Health has urged Zambians to preserve their cleanliness in the wake of cholera outbreak in the Eastern Province because some immigrants are dirty by nature.

Giving a ministerial statement on cholera outbreak in Chipata District of Eastern Province, Ms Masebo said by the end of UPND’s five year term, there should be no Zambian who should be sharing water with animals. 

“And just this issue of cleanliness, you as husbands and wives at home, let us help each other to be a country of clean citizens. You know Zambia has had a lot of people who have come to live in this country from different countries around the world, including the continent and each one of them come into the country, with their culture. Some of the cultures are not very clean cultures. So as Zambians, let us be what we are – clean people.



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