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WE are not surprised that a vicious smear campaign has been launched against the Catholic Archbishop of Lusaka, Dr Alick Banda.

The campaign is designed to distract attention from the good works that he is doing, not only as a cleric but as a stabilising political voice in the country.

We are aware that Archbishop Banda has not endeared himself to some sections of the nation particularly when he has spoken out on social and political issues affecting the people.

No wonder that one of the top leaders of the ruling United Party for National Development once described him as the “Lucifer” of Zambia. 

A group calling itself the Association of Zambian Diocesan Catholic Clergy (AZADCC) has written a letter to the Most Reverend Gian Luca Perici, the Apostolic Nuncio to Zambia and Malawi accusing Archbishop Dr Banda of an array of sacrilegious allegations. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE


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