Keep private sector out of oil deals Dear Editor
Thu, 24 Nov 2016 11:38:50 +0000
Yes, the biggest business that government undertakes is policy regulation and tax collection and has very little to do with business.
Regardless of this, the Government is failing to regulate its own civil service. I, therefore, don’t know how it will effectively regulate the independent private sector if allowed to handle key services of the industry.
In view of this, I agree with Mr Chikwanda, chairman of Energy Forum Zambia, for cautioning Government not to rush into disengaging on the procurement of fuel when our current strategic reserve capacity is far too inadequate for Government to find a recovery programme should the private sector that will be entrusted with the procurement of fuel maliciously opt to sabotage the flow of fuel.
The private sector has always held Government captive whenever they are given a chance to manage strategic services and the ransom paid by Government is giving in to demands just to avert security risks. The cog wheels of the national industry are propelled by fuel. Service delivery through mobility is enhanced by fuel and energy is sustained by fuel.
Therefore, Government should have a serious presence in the entire chain of fuel supply to adequately regulate procurement, shipment, distribution and pricing.
Adeodatus Matafwali,