Support calls for Masebo tribunal-UPND

Fri, 25 Jan 2013 10:03:02 +0000

Tourism and Arts Minister Sylvia Masebo and Justice Minister Wynter Kabimba have become obsessed with wrong doing in running the affairs of the nation, says UPND chairman for Tourism Ephraim Belemu.

Commenting on the petition to the Chief Justice to notify President Michael Sata to institute a tribunal to investigate Ms. Masebo on allegations of corruption and abuse of office by Former Tourism Minister in the MMD government William Harrington, Mr. Belemu said that the move was welcome and urged Zambians to support the action.

Mr. Belemu said that as Tourism chairman of the UPND, he was in total support of the action taken by Mr. Harrington because Ms. Masebo had corruptly abused her office and powers.

“As chairman for Tourism in the UPND I wish to welcome the petition to the Chief Justice calling for the formation of a tribunal or inquiry to investigate the allegations of corruption and abuse of office and power as levelled against her,” said Mr. Belemu.

He said that the action was long overdue because there were a number of issues which were extremely questionable in the manner Ms. Masebo conducted herself.

Mr. Belemu said that it was clear that Justice Minister Wynter Kabimba and Ms. Masebo had become an access for evil and wrong doing in the manner the PF were running the affairs of the nation.

“It is very clear now that herself (Masebo) and Justice Minister Wynter Kabimba are quickly becoming an access for evil (wrong doing) in the running of our country.  There are many things which are not said but which we know that must be subject to an independent inquiry. I therefore wish to equally ask all well meaning stakeholders to go and submit what they know. If it is true that Masebo is clean as she claims then she should be cleared by this tribunal or inquiry,” he said.

Mr. Belemu also urged the Chief Justice to expedite the process by notifying President Sata according to the laws of the land  in order to accord justice and fair play to parties involved.

He said that it was high time the PF government and leadership became accountable to the people of Zambia, adding that there was no way the people of Zambia would allow the PF leaders to run the affairs of the nation as if they were running their own houses.

“they have wanted to run this country as their own property where they can make decisions any how so in that regard we need to welcome the tribunal to hold them accountable and we commend Mr. Harrington for being a patriot. He has done it before and we saw what happened.”

Mr Harrington said Ms Masebo had abused her office by:

Ordering the withdrawal and non publication of the list of successful bidders for hunting concession licenses, cancellation of the tender process in breach of the Zambia Public Procurement Agency (ZPPA) Act No. 12 of 2008.

Appointing a committee to prepare her own bidding document in breach of the ZPPA Act.

• Breaching the parliamentary  and ministerial Code of conduct Act part 11 section 3 (c) by dismissing senior Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) management officials  on allegation of corruption in the hunting concession licences tender process.

Breaching the ZAWA Act when she gave verbal instructions to ZAWA officers to hunt wildlife without issuing a special licence.

He wants the tribunal to investigate the allegation of irregularities and corruption by ZAWA management in the handling of the tender for hunting licences and investigate whether the Minister was in breach of State security by failing and or neglecting to report to government security wings that foreign registered aircrafts were violating Zambian air space to uplift wildlife species or government trophies.

And in the final analysis, Mr Harrington wants the tribunal to recommend to the government to takeappropriate administrative action based on the findings of the investigations as provided under the parliamentary and ministerial Code of Conduct Act.


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