Today's text messages
Sun, 01 Oct 2017 10:18:46 +0000
Pilato demonstration
Some self-seeking people looking for cheap popularity such as Pilato and Laura Miti should be dealt with very severely because they are deliberately presenting a very misleading image of the country. Everybody including the Head of Sate have called for an investigation into the fire engine purchase, why then would they want to demonstrate knowing that their act was against police admonition?
Geoffrey Chalwe.
Kambwili: Forewarned is forearmed
Kambwili has not denied the statement by Musenge that they are in the new party together. Why is the PF hierarchy sitting back offering Kambwili a platform in parliament to vent his venom and anger which is intended to undermine the party. It is this failure to act which will bring down the PF.
Thomson Handau
Sex orgy mystery
The Police are being very hypocritical. When the children of the elite consume drugs and undertake a sex orgy nothing happens. We do not even know the names of those children that paid admission of guilt fine and yet a whole horde of Police invade Kanyama and arrest people who are paraded for dealing in dagga, a drug that has not been criminalized in most developed countries. What hypocrisy is this?
Cosmas Mwenda.
Maize price saga
Another rain season is upon us and yet the issue of the maize price has not been fully resolved. Should farmers plant maize or find more profitable crops? The Government has a duty to help farmers decide what crops they should invest in before it is too late. Individual farmers have no idea of crop dynamics to make such a decision.
Lameck Tembo
KCM outsourcing
Sometime I wonder if we really have technicians employed by Government to provide guidance and counsel to business, otherwise how do we explain the repeated contradictory action by businessmen and mining industry in particular against Government policies? The Government must show keener oversight if we are to reign in stubborn and rebellious companies.
Thomson Kunda
Is China taking over Africa?
Okay developing the country its fine but too late that should have been made before this time. Look spending money like this is putting too much pressure. One day China will buy us without knowing. So in this country we don’t have anything to generate money except borrowing. China has never called any other engineers of other country to help her develop, why is that Africa we the only guys crying for help in everything. Those guys who study engineering what’s their role in Africa? That road would have been here before China’s invasion. The problem with Zambia everything we put into politics. We have defiled the meaning of politics, no wonder instead of having the positive impact of politics, we are getting negatives. A common family spend on 2 dollars per day, sure what’s that.
Mubu Mwale Lushangala
Its all about profiteering
The investigations centered on whether or not the appropriate procurement processes and procedures were followed in the awarding of the tender. Investigations in this matter revealed that processes and procedures were followed”. This is where ACC were wrong. They should have investigated profiteering. Resources are stolen through profiteering. ACC should tell us how much of the $42 million was actually paid to Scania. Once we know that figure as citizens we shall draw our conclusions as to whether there was looting of resources or not.
Jane Paleni
Political comedian
How possible is that possible to fix the President? Psycho-analysis is urgently needed. Bushilu nomba ubu, everyday kusabaila please don’t take this man’s confusing ways of speaking seriously. He has turned himself into a political comedian…even in Parliament raising issues which are not before the house Tachiweme tefintu
Gilbert Sashi Mwelwa
Voting pattern worrying
The just ended by-elections in the country produced the results which we all knew. As unusual the UPND scooped all the seats (3) in its strongholds like the PF did (8) except that they got the lion’s share. I think that the same results can be expected in 2021 if this regional voting pattern does not end.