Today's text messages
Sun, 17 Dec 2017 10:38:24 +0000
Cholera versus profits
It is difficult for street vendors to abandon trade in food stuffs because that is their only source of income.
Unless government is ready to compensate them, I don’t see how they can be expected to forego profits just like that.
There should be a permanent solution this than the ad hoc arrangements being done now. Let vendors get off the streets and go in the markets so that this issue of moving does not arise.
As it is, there are many who are defying the ban on sale of fresh or cooked food on the streets.
Concerned resident, Lusaka
Pilato is a psycho
Pilato is a badly brought up child who is a psycho totally devoid of any sense of reason or morality. It is a waste of time to answer him because he is impervious to reason as his parents never brought him up to accept simple rudiments of manners. He has no manners.
Chris Mwenya
Employment should be open
not secret
Since January this year, government has allowed ZAF, ministry of Finance and recently Zambia Army to employ. This is a good thing, the only sad thing is the secrecy under which people are being engaged, and you have to know someone before you get a job in government. Families employ each other and we are left out.
Concerned citizen
Too many refugees, what are other countries doing
If it is possible Zambia should pull out of SADAC, AU, and UN, I feel they have failed us why should Zambia suffer with the influx of refugees all the time? Zambia has helped liberate other countries in the past and it’s time for us to focus on ourselves and develop
I don’t see the reason of arresting people who steal things like Bibles and food. I am not saying stealing is a good thing but it’s obvious these people lack and need to eat to survive. Someone help to represent the man who stole the Bible from the Legal practitioners.
Mwansa Kamukwamba
Too late to stop song
When songs are done to demean the opposition ZAM keeps quiet or approves. When it’s against the ruling party Ba Njoya T speaks out. Anyway it’s kind of late too late almost everyone has the song on their devices.
Muzo Chelsea
Don’t be harsh on teachers
Punishment is not a better way of correcting an error. Give counsel and guidance to teachers as some of them after graduating do various activities waiting to be employed by the government. One teacher was a bus conductor for 7 years before he was employed. All he studied as a teacher became irrelevant until he realised is employed. Do you expect such teachers to perform as expected? This is a question you need to answer before doing your hash action.
Vincent Kyamasengo
Hold on, who owns black
How come the black mountain is being given back to the
jerabos? Wasn’t it sold to the Chinese? Please I need clarity.
Concerned citizen
Miles Sampa hope you have reformed
Lack of foresight ba Miles. You always want to be in the front, It happened when you were Deputy Minister-Finance, you wanted to be Minister. Your uncle moved you to Commerce, after his demise you wanted to be president. When opportunity failed, you left and formed your party do you think it’s easy to run a party? This time tone down please.
Collins Kyapatwa