Today's text messages
Wed, 10 Jan 2018 12:29:00 +0000
Archbishop Mpundu Volcano
It is quite disheartening that at a time like this, when the country is gripped in the cholera crisis Archbishop Mpundu should continue with his traditional mantra of fire and brimstone-volcano. This is a time we should come together to fight the common enemy that has invaded our capital city-Lusaka. This is not the time to preach divisive messages that will take away from the task at hand.
Steven Mwelwa
Cholera must be eradicated
Leave no stone unturned in the fight against cholera. If we overlook townships sitting within spitting distance from the Kanyama epi-centre, the vicious cycle will continue and all effort shall have been in vain. Mind you guzzlers are trekking to John Howard where there’s no leadership to implement any SI, and we all know what that means. The restriction on movements in most affected townships is justifiable.
Ted Songo
Thank you Govt but…
Allow me space in your paper to thank Government for the measures it has taken to combat the cholera epidemic. The response has been overwhelming and historic. However, I am only concerned about the issue of banning worship services yet bars and taverns are allowed to operate from 11:00 to 19:00 hours. I think even bars would have been shut while church services allowed. In the Biblical times, when people had such problems would meet at the Tabernacle to ask for God’s intervention. Anyway we will continue praying from our homes.
Concerned Christian
Stop stigmatising ex-prisoners
Commentators who never get satisfied at attacking persons who were once in prison do not know how it feels when your relative is in prison. They raise and exhibit suspicion that they are pathological sadists who used to bully their friends in their childhood. Or they use the comments to cover up their own worth to be in jail for their hidden transgressions. Do they never hear pleas to reintegrate penitent persons into our society? This stigma against people were released from prison should end.
Pythias A. Mbewe
Employ qualified personnel
The warning to food eateries to stop the habit of employing school leavers is welcome move. This tendency of employers where they employ people who have no experience for the sake of cheap labour they just end up contaminating food. Please change and employ people who have wide experience in hospitality industry and leave out wako ni wako method.
R. Simukawzya
Cholera is real
It is true that the devil has brought this disease on us so that the name of the Lord should not be praised. I am sure he is happy that church gatherings have been banned. Despite this sad development, people should know that cholera epidemic is real. Let’s just pray at home.
Joseph Ngoma
Banning of worship services unchristian Editor,
The observation made by Mr.Enock Tonga on the Government’s decision to ban church gatherings must be taken serious. There is no way church should be banned yet some places are allowed to open. Is it that maybe some ‘businesses’ of some people will be affected when bars or taverns are opened. Lets be fair. I urge Government to take into consideration the timely advice given my Mr.Tonga. This act to me seems to be unchristian.May the Lord heal our land.
Joseph Phiri Lusaka
Just comply with government
People who have been affected during this period of clean up ought to comply with the government’s decision. We need a city where movements will be easy. We all know how sweet business is but in place of making money,lets save lives. Remember these lives are your esteemed customers
Richard R. Chembe