Local News

Think about Zambians, stop power exports – Kasonde Mwenda

By Nation Reporter

KASONDE Mwenda, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) president says Zesco’s decision to continue exporting up to 30 percent of the country’s electricity has subjected Zambians to unbearable suffering.

Mr Mwenda said in a statement that 20 hours of power cuts had badly affected businesses thereby pushing Zambians deeper into poverty, hunger and destitution.

“Small-scale, self-employed Zambians – those who rely on metal welding, irrigation farming, barbering, salons, poultry farming, refrigeration, and hammer mills – are seeing their livelihoods crushed.

“The very backbone of our local economy is being destroyed by this mismanagement. How can the government justify selling 30 percent of our locally generated electricity to other nations when our people suffer so gravely? CLICK HERE TO READ MORE


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