UPND’s children propaganda on NRC and Voter’s cards is a threat to national security
- UPND is led by a bunch of desperate power-hungry officials, a minority that cannot win a leadership contest at a party convention, the same reason they have not had one in a decade or so.
Dear Editor,
IT is also very clear that UPND has been hijacked by a dangerous fascist and foreign sponsored clique bent on destroying the party and the country as whole in its attempt to acquire political power at all cost, as this is the only conclusion we can make with the current destructive nature of its modus operandi.
UPND is led by a bunch of desperate power-hungry officials, a minority that cannot win a leadership contest at a party convention, the same reason they have not had one in a decade or so.
If there was a time that Zambians needed to open up their eyes, now is the time. UPND as a political party is clearly fatigued and disillu-sioned at the lack of progress on their many attempts to get into government and by the many years they have been in opposition. They have no inclination to attempt new initiatives that can foster good politics but only cheap, dangerous and violent propaganda.
The desperation of UPND to get into power has reached dangerously alarming levels and a red flag has been setoff for all security wings at every level as a call to action, for them to do what duty requires of them.
No individual or organisation should be allowed to play with the sovereignty of this country for whatever reason they may have, be it per-sonal or political. Political power must be acquired prudently and through the ballot box and nothing else.
Stroking the flames of danger by playing with our national identity is a treasonable charge and as such, our security wings must move with the speed of lightning to bring to book all the identified UPND members that have tempered with our national identity cards to portray our country as a failed state.
No sane Zambian would support the new propaganda that has been executed by known UPND members who have been parading children with photo-shopped national registration cards and voters’ cards in a bid to portray the government as being desperate for voters and thereby registering children.
This kind of desperation and hunger for power by UPND has the potential to compromise our national security and as well as plug this country into a state of ungovernableness.
UPND has also been slowly setting the stage to cause havoc in the event that they lose the elections next year, they have demeaned the voter registration process from day one and continue to use underhand hand methods to disqualify or discredit the whole process, in essence they are creating argument points for the an eventuality of an election loss next year.
UPND’s desperate campaigns of tempering with our national registration cards is no longer a political matter that must be left to the politi-cians but a security concern that must be dealt with ruthlessly by our security wings.
Presidents comes and go, political parties come and go, leaders come and go but Zambian will always be there and this is the reason why we should protect our sovereignty with all our might. We cannot allow a bunch of desperate demagogues to put this country on fire just be-cause of their personal selfish political ambitions.