Celebrate the festive season responsibly
Sun, 24 Dec 2017 12:26:02 +0000
Dear editor,
WE are in the festive season once again. The festive season comprises Christmas celebrations preceded by New Year celebrations.
This is not the first time that people will be celebrating the festive season neither is it the last time. During this period, people celebrate in different ways. Some people will go to church on Christmas eve or on Christmas Day. This is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. This is the best way to celebrate because the birth of our Lord Jesus Chris is the reason for the festivity. Through Him we are redeemed.
Celebrating during the festive season is one thing and celebrating it responsibly is another. Hence, the need to take precautionary measures.
There will be merry making characterised by pomp and splendor among people among of all age groups. It is during the festive season that some people will indulge in vices such as alcohol abuse, drug abuse, crime, illicit sex among others. Youths are the major culprits. Some adults are not spared either.
The consequences of the above mentioned illicit activities are many and varied.
These may include among others; the following: fatal accidents arising from drunk driving kind of arrangement where someone drives under the influence of alcohol, deaths, criminal activities, contracting of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) including the deadly HIV and AIDS to mention but indeed a few.
My humble appeal to my fellow Zambians and festive season enthusiasts is that we should celebrate this season in a responsible manner. This will help us to avoid fatalities which might culminate in death in the name of merry making for instance.
In the aforegone conclusion, I say all the best and enjoy responsibly during this year’s festive season.