Closing ranks
Mon, 10 Dec 2012 15:10:23 +0000
Monday December 10, 2012
The Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD)must close ranks and guard its institutional integrity jealously. Many are those who would like it to disintegrate and go into oblivion by picking on and amplifying divisive issues.
This is not the time for idle griping. This is the time for serious introspection. From the ashes must rise the great phoenix that will help maintain Zambia’s nascent and truly threatened democracy.
Zambia needs a strong opposition that will withstand the very strong and well financed machinations that are intended to create a one party state. This must be avoided at all costs because it will strike the very end of our cherished liberties and freedoms.
Conflict is common to any organization. It may serve to divide and destroy, but may also help identify fault lines which can be mended to establish a much stronger and resilient organizations.
At a time like this party must not shy away from the counsel and wisdom of the founding fathers. They have an accumulated wealth of wisdom which will held mould differences into a diversity that will enrich the party.
There are such leaders as the recent past President Rupiah Banda, Chairman Michael Mabenga- old timers Vernon Mwaanga, Sikota Wina and many others too numerous to name who can be called upon to provide dispassionate, informed and independent counsel.
It will be terribly unwise for the party to pepper over cracks and let the wounds fester and breed further internal disharmonies. This occasion and the various issues raised must be used to iron out the various areas of contention and disagreement that have seen a growing polarization within the party.
Indeed the Presidential elections left a sour taste with camps feeling “cheated” because they were decampaigned unfairly, either through tribal groupings or indeed machinations that spoke down some of them.
Add to this personality clashes that have forced out serious members of the party who feel left out, with no place or opportunity to contribute because the party has been shifted ideologically and strategically. There are complaints that the party has become personalized hence losing the “hour” slogan that was the symbol and hall mark. There are complaints that strangers have taken over and have created a different image and orientation.
These are real issues that must be dealt with fairly and comprehensively in the presence of former leaders who will most certainly offer the best way forward.
Conflict should not be avoided it must be face and dealt with openly and objectively.
The time has come for all serious men and women to come to the aid of the ailing party. The interests of mother Zambia demands seriousness of purpose.