‘Don’t politicise presidential initiative on cholera’
Wed, 03 Jan 2018 12:42:53 +0000
ANY political players who want to take advantage of President Edgar Lungu’s directive to remove vendors from the streets for the sake of health is doing it out of greed and trying to gain political mileage, Simson building business community director of administration Chitambala Mwewa has said.
Mr Mwewa said President Lungu’s directive had brought sanity in the central business district (CDB) and needed to be supported by all well-meaning Zambians.
He said a healthy country should be a priority, noting it was now time for the local authority to pull their socks and ensure there was consistency in manner they carried their responsibility to have a clean city.
“As a business centre we would like to support the directive from the President and vow to cooperate to ensure there is sanity in the city.
And those who want to take advantage of the situation to let people go against the President’s directive are doing so out of greed and do not love Zambia, because this issue borders on each and everyone’s lives,” he said.
Mr Mwewa appealed to the council to take advantage of the situation and ensure there was sanity in the manner business was conducted, and stressed the need for massive sensitization on the need to keep the city clean.