Sun, 24 Dec 2017 12:45:36 +0000
By Pastor Jasper Mutale
MARY, a woman who had never known a man, gave birth to Christ by a Miracle of the Holy Spirit.
Many believers do not think that Jesus was born of a Virgin. Some people have spoken against it ever since the Church began and these people who refuse the virgin Birth of Jesus Christ are all false teachers and antichrists. Christians should defend this important doctrine of the Christian faith.
Zambia only the truth shall set you free! So many people believe in lies from these false teachers who are after the poor people’s money. Some people who do not believe the Bible say something like this: the virgin birth was a teaching made up by the followers of Jesus. Some say that the doctrine of the virgin birth comes when people do not correctly interpret Isaiah 7:14. Now the answer to these confused critics and to those who think that it comes from the wrong interpretation of Isaiah 7:14. In Isaiah 7:14 the word ‘’ almah’’ is translated as ‘’Virgin’’. The word ‘’almah’’ means a young woman who never married. The word almost always means that the woman does not know a man. So she is a ‘’virgin’’ Six of the times the word ‘’almah’’ is used in the Old Testament. This prophecy about Christ did not prove the virgin birth. The virgin birth itself showed that this prophecy was true (Mathew 1:22-23)
Some people who think they are very educated say that the virgin birth comes from folk stories. The answer to these people is: The people in the countries of Rome, Greece and Babylonia had many stories. Some of these stories were about babies who were born through some miracle. The early church fathers said the unbelievers or heathens should not question the doctrine of the virgin birth. They knew many stories about women gods who gave birth to children. The church fathers said that the stories of heathen people were not true since they were about false gods. Caesar Augustus told people that the false god Apollo was his father. Caesar said that Apollo made his mother pregnant. Apollo came to her as a snake. Alexander the Great also said he was a son of a god. He also said that a serpent lived with his mother and made her pregnant. Both of these women had been with a man before.
You may ask, why should I believe in the virgin birth? Is there any reason? Yes my dear loved one. Only the truth will set you free Zambia from deception and wrong doctrines ! the stories of the heathen could not be proved by history. The story of Jesus in the Gospel is proved by history. We know the people who were involved, the time it happened, and where it happened. Heathen stories do not specific facts like that. The story of the virgin birth is a story of how God Himself came down to this earth. How He used a woman who had never been with a man. He did it to make a way for salvation for all people. Some people call attention to some of the stories about the gods of the Greeks and Romans. These stories were so Dirty and sinful that many people did not even want to write them down. The famous philosopher, pilato, was ashamed of them and wanted the government to ban them There is NO WAY we can compare these stories with the virgin birth in the Bible. The Bible story is a beautiful story of a woman who was pure. Buddhists have a story about an elephant that caused Buddha’s mother to get pregnant. Buddha lived hundreds of years after Christ, so the followers of Jesus did not get the story of the virgin birth from Buddhists. To all those who do not acknowledge the Virgin birth of Jesus Christ, it is foolish to say that the followers of Jesus Christ took the heathen stories and made the story of the virgin birth out them.
Prophecies concerning the virgin birth of Jesus Christ . Zambia know that before the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, men of God had begun seeing visions concerning Jesus’ birth. Some people say the story about the Virgin birth of Jesus was added to the Bible many years later but this is not true. In Genesis 3:15 the Bible says that the SEED OF THE WOMAN would crush Satan’s power and prepare a way of salvation for us. In Isaiah 7:14 the Bible says that a virgin will get pregnant and give birth to a son. This prophecy was given to the whole “house of David’’ ( Verse 13). The Messiah had to come from the family of David (2 Samuel 7:12-13; Romans 1:3). In Isaiah 9:6-7. It says that a CHILD was born and that God GAVE us a SON. In Isaiah 49:1,5 says , “The Lord called me out of the womb” Now coming to the new testament here the verses in Mathews 1:6 it says that Jacob gave birth to joseph, the husband of Mary who gave birth to Jesus. We do not read anywhere in the Bible that Joseph gave birth to Jesus! Also Mathews 1:22-23 tells us that all of this was done to fulfill the prophecies in the Old Testament. Luke says that the Holy thing that Mary will give birth to will be called the son of God.
Some people say that somebody added these prophecies to the Bible much later. Somebody did this to have proof for the virgin birth of Christ. Only the truth shall set you free Zambia! Here follows the answers to these people. Before the year 100 AD the church had a statement of faith that was called ‘’the roman Creed’’ one sentence in this Roman Creed says that the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit. The early Church also had a book called ‘’the rules of faith” The statements of faith in that book also talked about the Virgin.
Christ lived in Heaven before He was born-this proves the virgin birth. One of the best proofs of the virgin birth is that Christ lived in heaven before he was born. Mica 5:2 says that Jesus was there since the beginning of the world .He is eternal. Philippians 2:5-8 tells us that Jesus was God, but came down to earth like a human being. John 8:57-59 we read that Jesus said, “Before Abraham lived, I AM” This means that He lived before Abraham.
More proofs of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, you will find when reading and studying the Bible. Zambia my plea is that you STUDY the BIBLE so that no one can come with fake teachings and you are easily taken, study the Bible! Some people cheated that the world would end on 21 December 2012 and many Zambian were so worried why? Because these people do not read the word of God and they are easily shaken. Other countries people spent Billions of dollars to make underground tunnels in case the world ends, they would hide there. Yes they perished because they lacked knowledge. Now CHRISTMAS is happiness that Jesus came to US and yet so many people are denying the VIRGIN BIRTH of Jesus!
Share your joy with someone! Share your LOVE with someone in need of anything as you celebrate the MASS of CHRIST and remember that God loves you so much that He gave you His only son Jesus Christ! When you believe in Him you will have everlasting life.
Today’s Confession: Thank you father that you did not send your son to condemn me, but to save me. I declare that the Holy Ghost power that came upon Mary and she Conceived, shall come upon me and I shall Conceive Victory, Favor and Success has I cross over into the New Year. I declare new doors are opening in my Life, in my family and in my country in Jesus’ Name.
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