Today's text messages
Fri, 06 Oct 2017 12:42:19 +0000
Kambwili has no principles
What sort of immoral and evil person is Chishimba Kambwili who can go to court to remain in a party that he insulting demonizing every day, insulting the President and his former colleagues. A person of principle should have resigned when he realized the rot in the party and Government rather than wait and be kicked out by the President.
Toilet talk disgusting
It was disgusting to hear Chishimba Kambwili boast of buying toilet tissue and bathing soap for Mumbi Phiri, a colleague he had worked with in the party. This is a lesson for the UPND which has invited him to know that some people will never keep confidences, however intimate, they will speak publicly when annoyed.
Peter Longwani
Kambwili stop cheap political lies
Kambwili should stop cheap political lies. Who said when you were sworn, it included not to reveal corrupt practices? Have you forgotten that Nawakwi called late President Chiluba thief (though it turned out to be also a lie) did she ask for her immunity lifted to reveal that? Liar, just tell us where President Lungu’s corruption is as you claim.
Micky, Ndola
Student seeks Hone college results
I am very disappointed with Evelyn Hone College department of education failure to release results for public administration from 2013-2015 programme due to poor record keeping of assignments and results by the head of department. I am requesting the principal to come to my rescue.
Where was our parley?
Isn’t it strange to hear that some members of parliament have petitioned the Speaker to constitute a parliamentary committee to probe the procurement of the 42 fire tenders? Are these not the same people who approved the budget? Where the estimates of purchasing the same were not included? Is it the usual thing that Zambians forget very easily?
Micky, Ndola
Hear this one
Kindly note that the ZPPA and other government agencies only give a no objection to proceed in a awarding a contract and approval is given by a MPSA procurement committee.
The Guru
Transfer senior teachers as well
Ministry of Education should be commended for the transfers but some senior teachers have been left out after having stayed at some schools for over 13 years.
Concerned citizen
Visionless NGOs
I read with sadness the story titled “police caution protesters” featured in your Thursday September 28 edition, and for once I couldn’t agree more with the caution from the Lusaka Province police commissioner. What issue does this alliance of civil society got with the budget presentation or are they saying they have an alternative budget? Where have these organizations been when the ministry of finance budget section was asking for budget submissions from all those that felt they needed to petition something. These are NGOs that just sit the whole time minus doing anything.
Concerned citizen
Itimpi local Court officials disappointing
Want to complain about the behavior of court officials at Itimpi local court in Kitwe. They only open doors and leave the court building for their personal business but at the end of the month they are the first ones to check for salaries. Civil servants should feel ashamed of their bad behavior.
Concerned citizen