Government integrity

Mon, 03 Dec 2012 07:30:04 +0000

The statement by the Minister of Youth and Sport suggesting that the Movement for Multi Party Democracy killed Patriotic Front cadre Menyani Zulu in Chongwe must be condemned in the strongest possible terms because it is opportunistic and seeks to fish in troubled waters.

It is a statement intended to take advantage of the misfortunes that the party is passing through and will be foolhardy for the opposition to derive any succour or comfort from the statement.

It does not help Major Kachingwe as it suggests that as National Secretary he presided over a violent party that was responsible for the murder.

No court of law has found the collective MMD responsible for the death, just as no one has been found guilty of the offence whose trial has yet to commence in courts of law. If anything the statement is not only subjudice but is a recipe to cause hatred and despondency.

The Police have correctly stated that the matter is under investigation. At the right time a statement or action will be taken founded on fact.

It is therefore preposterous for the Minister to issue instruction to the Police to arrest MMD die hard Lusambo for any alleged assault on Major Kachingwe. This exposes a very high handed approach to the law. This conduct must be discouraged, before an impression is entrenched suggesting that Police act on politicians instructions.

 Major Kachingwe has very correctly reported the very highly revolting and embarrassing episode to the Police, who have in turn launched an investigation that will determine among other things the sequence of events that may have led to the fracas.

The rule of law must be allowed to take its course.

Whereas the crisis may indeed present itself as an opportune occasion to further sow confusion in the ranks of the already  divided party, we must all rise in condemnation of the vile act, which is certainly not representative of the party as a whole.

Party elders, the National Executive Committee more specifically must move with some expedition to ensure that these matters are resolved amicably.

Fishing in troubled water………..

The petition by opposition members charging that Parliament was being used to break the law and abrogate the constitution must be taken very seriously

Honesty and consistence of character must reflect truthfulness, accuracy and adherence to the values that underlie the law.

The law states that, only a retired Head of State who is no longer politically active and is not in receipt of a salary from Government is entitled to a house. Therefore asking Parliament to approve a budgetary allocation for a sitting President is wrong.

Those who prepared the document should have shown the President the law. As custodian of the law he was duty bound to respect it, but for some reason it would appear that

Whatever action Parliament takes must be consistent with the law and equally consistent with values, beliefs and principles espoused by the constitution and the law. It must represent a truthfulness of spirit- the actions must be wholesome a defendable.

It is true that might is right, but the consequences are always disastrous.




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