Zanaco awarded best bank

The Global Finance has for the last three consecutive years awarded the Zambia National Commercial Bank (Zanaco) Plc as the best bank in Zambia.
Zanaco is among the winners chosen from more than 150 countries and territories across Africa, and other continents.
The award recognises the bank’s growth in assets, profitability, geographic reach, strategic relationships, business development and innovation.
And Zanaco Chief Executive Officer Mukwandi Chibesakunda attributed the award to the bank’s continued focus on delivering to its strategy, participation in key growth sectors and positioning as a partner for growth in Zambia.
Ms. Chibesakunda pointed out that the bank has also continued to realise value through innovation and harnessing identified growth opportunities in the market by constantly repositioning the business in line with its mandate.
“We believe that the bank is well positioned to deliver on our ambition to be the top transaction customer-centric bank by the year 2025” said Ms ChibesaKunda.
She also pledged continued support towards contributing positively to the country’s economic growth in different sectors.
Ms Chibesakunda cited the signing of the US$50 million financing facility with the British International Investments for lending to Small and Medium Enterprise and women led businesses as one of the positive strides that the bank has scored. – ZANIS
“Zanaco is a home-grown bank that believes in supporting key sectors of the economy in order to grow Zambia, our home. We continue to support key sectors of the economy such as agriculture, energy and mining. Over the last year, the bank signed a financing facility with the British International Investments (BII) worth US$50million for lending to SMEs, particularly women-led SMEs and those driving the growth of the green economy. All these initiatives have positioned us as the best bank in Zambia,” said Ms ChibesaKunda.
Meanwhile, Global Finance Publisher and Editorial Director, Joseph Giarraputo, explained that “the best bank awards” recognises the financial institutions that offer the broadest range of services as well as the reliability required for long-term financial relationships.
This is according to a media statement made available to ZANIS in Lusaka by Zanaco Head Client Solutions, Marketing and Corporate Communications Chanda Katongo. – ZANIS