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Gambling industry tax collection eased

ALL bottlenecks that hindered tax collection from the gambling industry have been sorted resulting in the maximum collection of revenue by government.

And Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) says there has been compliance from the gambling sector in paying tax translating into maximum revenue collection.
ZRA Corporate Communications Manager, Topsy Sikalinda said the gambling industry has been paying tax and no cases of tax evasion have been recorded so far.
Mr. Sikalinda told the Daily Nation in an interview that the only issue that was raised by the gambling industry was the way the tax return was filed which has since been resolved.
He said previously, the tax return for the industry was being done as a total of whether the gambling business was involved in other businesses such as beer selling and running a restaurant besides gambling.
Mr. Sikalinda said the tax return has now been split withthe gambling, betting section, drinks, and food sector paying tax separately following concerns from the gambling industry.
“Every business pays tax whether it’s a casino or not, the only issue is that they had raised concern on how the tax return was being done. Previously the way the tax return was done, it was done as a total, one tax return whether one sells beer in the casino or other business,” he said.


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