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Addressing WASH Challenges: The role of water utility firms in Zambia

By Bernadette Deka-Zulu (PhD Researcher-Public Enterprise)

ACCESS to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services is of paramount importance for the overall well-being and development of communities. In Zambia, water utility companies play a crucial role in managing the country’s water resources and providing essential WASH services.

However, these companies face formidable challenges that hinder their progress in meeting the needs of the population. The scarcity of water resources, inadequate infrastructure, and pollution are among the major obstacles that pose significant barriers to the delivery of reliable WASH services.

In this article, we will explore the pivotal roles played by water utility companies, examine the failures they encounter, and present practical recommendations for improvement.

By addressing these challenges and implementing effective measures, Zambia can enhance access to safe water, proper sanitation, and hygiene practices, ensuring the well-being and sustainable development of its communities.

Water scarcity: A growing challenge

Water scarcity has emerged as a pressing concern in Zambia, driven by a combination of factors such as excessive water use, pollution, and the impacts of climate change.

These factors have led to a decrease in the availability of water resources, making it increasingly challenging to provide sufficient clean water for the population.

Compounding this issue is the inadequate infrastructure, including outdated distribution networks and limited storage facilities, which exacerbates the scarcity problem and hampers the delivery of adequate WASH services to communities.

As a result, many individuals and households, particularly those in marginalised and remote areas, struggle to access a reliable and safe water supply, compromising their health and overall quality of life.

The vital role of water utility firms

Water utility companies, operating under the authority of governmental entities, primarily municipalities, play a vital and multifaceted role in addressing the WASH challenges in Zambia.

They are entrusted with the responsibility of sourcing, treating, and distributing water to communities, as well as managing wastewater and promoting sanitation practices.

By effectively managing water resources and ensuring the availability of clean and safe water, these companies contribute significantly to the overall well-being and development of the population.

However, they face complex and interconnected challenges, including water scarcity, inadequate infrastructure, and pollution, which necessitate comprehensive strategies and collaborative efforts to overcome. By understanding these challenges and implementing targeted solutions, water utility companies can enhance their capacity to deliver improved WASH services, ultimately benefiting the health and prosperity of communities throughout the nation.

Regulatory bodies: Ensuring quality and protection

In Zambia, robust regulation is essential to safeguard the quality and safety of water supply and sanitation services. The National Water Supply and Sanitation Council (NWASCO) assumes the critical role of being the regulatory body responsible for overseeing water supply and sanitation providers.

NWASCO sets standards and guidelines that service providers must adhere to, ensuring the provision of reliable and high-quality WASH services to communities.

Working in tandem with NWASCO, the Ministry of Health plays a vital role in water quality regulation. They establish and enforce stringent guidelines and protocols for testing, treatment, and monitoring of water supplies to ensure compliance with health and safety standards.

By actively monitoring and evaluating water quality, the Ministry of Health helps mitigate potential health risks associated with contaminated water sources, protecting the well-being of the population.

Additionally, the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) contributes significantly to environmental protection in relation to water resources.

ZEMA focuses on preventing pollution and promoting sustainable water management practices. They regulate and enforce measures to minimise pollution from various sources, including industries, agriculture, and domestic activities.

Through their efforts, ZEMA helps safeguard the quality and integrity of water resources, preserving ecosystems and ensuring the long-term sustainability of Zambia’s water supply.

The collaborative efforts of NWASCO, the Ministry of Health, and ZEMA are crucial in upholding water quality standards, protecting public health, and preserving the environment.

By establishing and enforcing regulations, these bodies create a framework that ensures accountability and fosters continuous improvement in the provision of WASH services.

Their collective actions promote confidence in the water utility companies and enhance the overall well-being and safety of the communities they serve.

Licensing and governance: Ensuring accountability

The licensing and governance of water service providers are crucial components in ensuring accountability and maintaining high standards in the delivery of WASH services in Zambia. NWASCO takes on the responsibility of licensing and governing 11 commercial utilities and four private schemes throughout the country.

The process of licensing involves setting specific criteria and standards that water service providers must meet to obtain the necessary permits to operate.

These criteria encompass various aspects, including infrastructure requirements, technical capabilities, financial sustainability, and compliance with regulations and guidelines.

By adhering to these established standards, water service providers are held accountable for the quality and reliability of the services they offer.

The licensing process serves several purposes. Firstly, it ensures that water service providers have the capacity and resources to meet the demands of the communities they serve. This includes having well-maintained infrastructure, efficient water treatment processes, and reliable distribution networks.

Secondly, licensing promotes efficiency and effectiveness by setting benchmarks and targets for service provision, encouraging companies to continuously improve their operations. It also provides a framework for monitoring and evaluation, allowing NWASCO to assess the performance and compliance of licensed providers.

Governance plays a vital role in maintaining accountability within the water utility sector. NWASCO, as the governing body, sets and enforces regulations, policies, and guidelines to govern the operations of water service providers.

They monitor and evaluate their performance, ensuring that they operate in the best interests of the communities they serve. Effective governance ensures transparency, fairness, and ethical practices, fostering public trust in the water utility companies.

By implementing a robust licensing and governance framework, NWASCO ensures that water service providers adhere to established standards and deliver high-quality WASH services.

The process promotes efficiency, accountability, and continuous improvement, ultimately benefitting the communities by providing them with reliable access to safe water, sanitation facilities, and improved hygiene practices.

Failures and recommendations: Overcoming challenges

Despite the critical role of water utility companies in delivering WASH services in Zambia, they face significant failures and challenges that hinder progress. To overcome these obstacles and improve WASH services, the following key recommendations should be considered:

Infrastructure improvement: Upgrading and modernising water sanitation infrastructure is crucial to meet the growing demand for WASH services. This includes investing in the rehabilitation and expansion of water treatment plants, storage facilities, and distribution networks.

By enhancing infrastructure capacity, water utility companies can ensure reliable access to safe water and proper sanitation facilities, especially in underserved areas.

Enhancing water quality: Strengthening water quality regulations and monitoring systems is essential to ensure the safety and cleanliness of the water supply. Implementing regular testing and treatment protocols can help identify and address potential contaminants, ensuring that the water distributed to communities meets the required health and safety standards.

Additionally, investing in advanced water treatment technologies and training personnel on water quality management will contribute to improving the overall water quality.

Community engagement: Involving local communities in decision-making processes is crucial for sustainable water management. Engaging community members in discussions about water conservation, hygiene practices, and the importance of proper sanitation fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility.

Empowering communities to actively participate in the planning and implementation of water projects can lead to more effective and sustainable outcomes.

Increased Investments: Allocating sufficient financial resources is necessary to improve WASH infrastructure and services across Zambia. Adequate funding should be prioritised for areas with limited access to basic water services, such as rural and marginalized communities.

Increased investments can help bridge the infrastructure gap, ensuring that all communities have access to safe water, proper sanitation facilities, and hygiene education.

Climate change adaptation: Developing strategies to mitigate the impacts of climate change on water resources is crucial for long-term sustainability.

Water utility companies should embrace sustainable water management practices that promote water conservation, efficient use of resources, and resilience to changing climatic conditions.

Investing in resilient technologies, such as rainwater harvesting systems and water recycling methods, can help minimise the impact of water scarcity and ensure the availability of water even in times of environmental challenges.

By implementing these recommendations, water utility companies in Zambia can address the failures and challenges they face, ultimately leading to improved WASH services for communities.

It requires a collective effort from government entities, regulatory bodies, communities, and stakeholders to prioritise and invest in the necessary infrastructure, technologies, and sustainable practices.

Through these actions, Zambia can make significant progress towards achieving universal access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene, ensuring the well-being and sustainable development of its population.


In conclusion, the role of water utility companies is pivotal in providing improved WASH services to communities. By recognising and addressing the challenges of water scarcity, inadequate infrastructure, and pollution, significant progress can be made in enhancing access to safe water, proper sanitation, and hygiene practices throughout the country.

The implementation of the recommended measures, including infrastructure improvement, water quality enhancement, community engagement, increased investments, and climate change adaptation, will contribute to the betterment of WASH services.

Through collective efforts and a commitment to sustainable practices, Zambia can ensure the well-being and sustainable development of its population.

It requires collaboration among water utility companies, regulatory bodies, government entities, local communities, and stakeholders to prioritise the allocation of resources, implement effective policies, and foster community participation.

By striving towards universal access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene, Zambia can create a healthier and more prosperous future for all its citizens.

The potential for delivering better WASH services in Zambia lies within the actions taken today.

By investing in the necessary improvements, implementing regulatory measures, and involving the community, the nation can overcome existing challenges and pave the way for a brighter and more sustainable future.

It is through these concerted efforts that water utility companies can fulfill their crucial role in ensuring access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene, ultimately enhancing the overall well-being and quality of life for communities across the country.


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